Friday, December 19, 2008

Marathon Over!!

So i've been watching ANTM 10 and finally,i gotta say..I'M FINISH with that cycle..haha..Finish as in i finish watching it la..Not as in angry with it la..hehe..Emm,i actually already knew who the winner is,which is Whitney Thompson-the first plus-size or as Paulina calls it a "full-figured" model..Whatever it's called,she's FIERCE!!

Emm,I was actually wanting Anya to win coz i feel that Anya is more striking..And Anya is more worthy but,in the end,Whitney wins..haha..

Whitney is more of a beauty pageant girl,as the judges say it la..She has a tone like the beauty pageant girls and the way she speak is like that and when she did the commercial,it was trully fake..

Dominique was ok for my liking..Though she is a top 4 but not a top 3 la..But still good..She was a lil' draggish-as in drag queen looking..And she always had 1 look..The "one-eyebrow-up" look..If you don't know what i mean..Emm,just go take a mirror and you look into the mirror,try to raise one side of your eyebrows,either left eyebrow or right eyebrow and tha-da..Your "one-eyebrow-up" lokk..If you can't do it,then TOO BAD..haha..And oh ya..The commercial..THE FUNNIEST yet ENTERTAINING commercial..It was like singing a song..No offense la..hehe

Fatima was top 3 but she was a lil' weak for me la..Weak as in in pictures and stuff like that..She didn't really bring out her intensity enough la..Intensity in the sense of strong and fierce..Ok,i know how hard it is to put emotion into your pictures,i can't blame you la..hehe..

Ok,i'm starting to feel that i'm talking very harshly about them girls..haha..Sorry..Will change subject now..Hmm..

Oh ya..JOCELYN!!Come back fast!!I want go Dawn's house dah with you and DATIN Yi Yong..haha..**Yi YOng likes to be called "DATIN"..haha**Then we can go to the playground..lolx..

SO BORED!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm starting to avoid some people who i think have changed..A LOT..Emm,these people were friends with me before but now i feel that i've been like pushed aside la..I know you guys also have other friends but also try to put your old friends at the same level la..Or people will feel that you're prejudice against them la..I'm just saying..haha..Emm,ya,that's kinda what i feel now la..

Ok,i'm done with my post now..Hopefully you guys enjoy it..haha

P.S.Don't ask about the friends thing..It's just a random thing to post up..But i really do feel like that la..


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