Friday, April 25, 2008


Not to be rude or anything or you might say that i'm getting into people's business but it's kinda strange to have a relationship right?And then in the end,you might get hurt due to the relationship..Isn't it sad?
For example,my friends,sorry but i can't say their names out,have started a relationship a couple of months ago and it has been goin quite well..Until a BIMBo comes and destroy everything by manipulating the girl side and by telling her bad stuff about the girl's boyfriend..Now,i mean like..How can this BIMBO be so UNCONSIDERATE right?Breaking up people's relationships..Haiz..
But what to do?And another friend whom i have been friends since young have had a relationship too..She told me that she might be facing some problems in her relationships..Which she haven't really tell me anything but she did want to..
Well,i myself have the experience of falling in love,well i am still now..hehe..And it's a feeling of joy but when it gets bad,it really is HATRED..I know i' kinda not talking sense but all i wanna say is that i've fallen in love with the person whom i shouldn't fall in love with and the person is someone remarkably nice but the person have turned me off..Sad but am really tankful that the person told me as soon as possible instead of wasting my time,thinking that i might have a chance with the person..
Anyways,for all relationship couples,strive for your happiness and do not let anyone pull your relationship down..=)

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