Saturday, August 23, 2008

Blood clot in my Eye..WHUT??!!

That's true..I found myself having a blood clot IN my eye..Thank goodness that it's not in my pupil..Just beside my left eye..Haiz..Well,i woke up at 9.30am + today and found something wrong with my eye..I went to check it out on the mirror and found it on my left eye..

I then ask my sis what was it since she's a pharmacist..She then called my mum and told her that she'll take me to the doctor's clinic..

I arrived there and i registered myself and waited for my turn..While waiting,i saw pictures of other people who have their eye bleeding or something and so i was pretty terrified at all those pictures..Still gives me goosebumps..*Shivering while shrugging shoulders*

After a while,i went in for an eye test and something funny happened..Now you see,the blood clot is in my left eye and i can see the letters perfectly than my right eye..Sad right??

Anyways,after the eye test,i went to the doctor's room and had some of the blood clot removed but there was more news..The blood clot is actually stuck on my top eyelid so i can't really remove it very easily so the doctor gave me a week's time to wait for the clot to "fall off" like the normally clot on our scars..

Then bad news came my way..If it doesn't fall off,i might need surgery to take it out..Thinking of surgery makes me feel that my life is at a not very safe state..Cause' i might be blind or even worst if ANYTHING goes wrong..And if anything do go wrong there are still MANY things i wanna do..Like perform and have a relationship or even just to have a bright future..

But who cares right..Nobody really cares about little old me..I still have a friendship to win back but what does that person cares??Better not keep talking about the person..

Anyways,got to go..Well,think of it on the bright side..I still can use the computer..And go to school to talk with my closest friends..So all that's well might just have a well ending for me..Not that i'm cursing myself..Anyways..PRAY FOR ME!!!

With love and kisses(I sound like a girl..haha..),
PhiL_eMoN ^_^

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