Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday Morn-SCHOOL(swt!!)

This morning was a school day as it is a replacement for the following week,i think..All i know is that it's for like Hari Raya,i think..haha..

Well,today's class schedule was according to our Monday schedules..At least we had like P.E. first then Maths, then BM then Sejarah and then last of all,ENGLISh..

We started of with our P.E. which we did pyramid once again..Sorry that i can't provide pictures..*SAD*But all you have to know is that i(not only me though) feel pain after the pyramid thing today coz i had to be on the base level..HOW HEAVY ARE THOSE PEOPLE man??But they're still light but not very though..haha..we tried to do a 5th level pyramid meaning a 5 people-based pyramid so ya..PAIN!!!

Later for Maths,Yi Yong,Dawn, Ned, Adrenne,janna and the other person i forgot who already were asked to go down for work and exercise book checking..It went well,i think..Hopefully..And for BM,since i finished my work i just like played "animal farm" with Dawn and Karen and Yi Yong since,of course, they also finished their work..So fun ah.. So me might call us lame but i don't care..It's fun..:P

For Sejarah,we went through our last chapter and then she told us that we're having test every week starting from next week and also meaning every lesson of sejarah is test Test TEst AND MORE TEST but it really do help,i guess..Coz' as she said,she's preparing us for our next year PMr so two thumbs up for you Cikgu Lim.. :)

ENGLISH-our last lesson was like internet room where there was music and people viewing other people's blog like me..haha..Mr Camillus also asked me to like write down Wilson's blog's link so ya,lend a hand and wrote it down for him..haha..Hope you don't mind,Wilson..

Well,that's all for now..Got to go..Bye..

Love as always-PhiL_eMoN

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