Friday, May 1, 2009

Labour day

Hey guys..It's Labour day..never really know what it means but am pretty glad that it's a holiday =) Didn't go to the Ignite the Flame concert..Wasn't interested but it seems that pretty much the whole school are going..Enjoy yourself yeah, though it's already started since like 2pm haha

In my class, Dawn, Karen, Yong, Joce(i think), Elisa(I think), Shau, Daryl(I think) and more people are going la..I mostly only know about this few from my class..Anyone else that i forget to mention, i'm sorry yeah..

I actually have nothing to update about..Besides that my parents are at Sematan with my aunt, my aunt's friend and grandma..I didn't go..Wasn't enough space and i was relunctant to go..It's too far-all the way to Lundu wo..And i have Science homework to do ugh And it's basically like Math homework since the homework is to calculate:

1)Work done
2)Power used
7)Effort arm
9)Load arm

And stuff like that..

Haven't been chatting with people much and i was PMS-ing(moodswing! not mensus!) during Science yesterday..Been kinda stressed maybe? Or just feel bothered or surrounded? Kena asked so many questions in class is like just annoying..Especially random questions..That's just very very annoying and it does piss me off..Literally (FYI-i'm not mentioning names so don't be pera =) )

We had religious class yesterday and we were talking about the 4 marks of the Church which are

1) One
2) Holy
3) Catholic
4) Apostolic

1)One-meaning we unite as one or something like that to make the church and be together
2)Holy-meaning asking us to be a holy being
3)Catholic-meaning (i think) we accept everyone one as our family even for those believe or do not believe in God
4)Apostolic-(i kinda forgot what it meant hehe)

**correct me if i'm wrong yeah?**

I feel that we have fun during our catechism lesson..It's fun coz we get to ask questions and open up our thoughts about our Christianity and also to voice out our opinions on things and yeah,that's so much fun-ner than usual in class..

(I'm going through random things that comes to my mind so sorry for my jumping up and down and my poor synchronization and arrangements of my post..I just type things that just come into my mind)

Ok, i'm done here with this post..

Oh oh..Just remembered something! Tomorrow there's an outing at Spring..I know people will be going "Again?!" but seriously, yes.. AGAIN..We are going to Spring AGAIN..coz it's (once again the normal reasoning comes in)

1)It's safer
2)It's closer

Now, the reason we're going out is that..It's one of my besties' birthday-Agnes' birthday! She's turning 15 tomorrow so yeah..I still don't know the plan yet but we are all going out to Spring tomorrow

We as in Joce(hopefully), Dawn, Yong, Susan, Sharon, Shau and yeah, that's about all of us..Janna apparently is gonna be at(Or maybe already am at) KL for her vacation..So uh-huh..Go figure..

It's from 2pm-4.30pm guys! Hope you can make it! =)

Ciao bellas

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