My Jesus is alive! Alive forevermore!
Alive! Alive! Alive forevermore!
My Jesus is alive!
Lol..haha..Have been singing this at church..And also ...
Haha..There are like so MANY malfunctions that happened like the video that they showed us was pausing and playing, pausing and playing for like the first few 30 secs so the laptop person fixed it and replayed the whole thing..It was nice though =)
Especially Jesus Messiah by Michael (something) (I think) haha..
Tomorrow is someone's birthday..This person is called Jocelyn Lau..a.k.a. Lau-Lyn-Joce haha.. Or as Joel would call her Lau Uw Puo(Old witch)*so bad!* She is coming into the "era" of the age of 15(lol-this is so lame!) Sorry i don't have a pic of you =) That just proves either:
1) I need to take more pics with you
2) You should go out with us more
So yeah may you have a blessed one! =) At least your birthday is not on the Friday*choi*I'm not cursing you! I'm just saying that you're birthday is not on a Friday =)
Tomorrow we have 3A idol(lol) and it's gonna be solo singing tomorrow so yeah..haha..Who's gonna judge?? Let's make Joce as the judge! Since it's her special day haha
All in favours say "Ai", All oppose say "Nei"
Ok so there's nothing much to blog anyways..Dawn! I grabbed one of your pics!
I kinda like the whole thing haha.. Yong! You should have faced forward! SHOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE!! Dawn should have been in the shot! Darn!
Gotta go
P.S. Lord! Wilson says thank you to you for being impaled on Friday..(I don't know what "impaled" means but Sharon defines it as "get driven by a metal object" which i guess mean "nailed to the Cross"?)Anyways,he just wanna say thanks =)
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