Monday, November 10, 2008

Debate is there and done..Yes!!

Finally a day when everyone can chill and relax..Coz...DEBATE'S OVER!!!And the verdict goes to..Jesmond's team..Surprise!haha..Well,not really a surprise la..Quite predictable coz some of us feel that some of the adjudicators pilih kasih so ya..shh..I'm not saying anything though..Haha..

Emm..Today before the debate started,well,way before the debate started..I hugged Joce to give luck la..Jesmond saw me hug her so ya,he asked one from me..What to do?Bopth friends ask so ya..Just hug lo..haha..Oh ya,theirr motion was THBT convicted rapist should serve a manditory death sentence..Ya,something like that..

Both teams were good but a lil' boring though..haha..No offense and some have made major mistakes by saying that they support the opposite team when their from the opposite team..Meaning like a guy from the Government team say he would like to strengthen the Oppsosition's team which is a very major ya..

Tomorrow we're going for our "educational" trip to Borneo Springs and Matang Wildlife..Woah-hoo..-NOT!!Wilson was complaining like why the school didn't provide food one..Haiya..But i agree also..Why not ho??Hmm...

I bought the Mamma Mia and HSM 3 soundtrack yesterday..It was ok la..But at least i had new music..hehe..Anyways, gotta go..Byez..

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