Sunday, January 25, 2009

Long tag =.=''

001. Real name: Philemon
002. Nicknames: Chik, Chik Chik, Dick Dick(coz i always call people pek pek)Ah Sheng and sometimes people pronounce my name as Ah Seng instead of Ah Sheng..The "Sheng" is actually pronounced as "play" in Hokkien so yeah..But i'm used to it already..=.=
003. Married: No.
004. Zodiac sign: Aries
005. Male or female: Male
006. Age: 14. 15 in March
007. High school: Lodge Secondary School
008. College: Any college that would take me..But must be ok ok one la =)
009. Residence: Tabuan Jaya..So i'm close to school..haha
010. Hair color: Natural black..Not like ang mo-red,brunette and even blonde ah..haiz
011. Long or short hair: Semi short..I think wanna cut like shaved like that soon..After CNY la..See first..
012. Smoke: Nah..I'm very conservative =P
013. Drink: Anything that is not alcoholic or has drug in it
014. Available: As in still available as a "bachelor" or what??haha..Emm,i'm always available for anything..Legal i mean..
015. Are you a health freak: Emm,once in a while..Don't wanna get sick what..
016. Weight : Always in between 58-60 like that..I'm called UNDERWEIGHT somemore..haiz
017. Do you have a crush?: Obviously
018. Do you like yourself: Depends on different situation..
019. Piercings: Nah..It's called PAIN too me
020. Tattoos: PAIN still
021. Righty or lefty: Righty..

022. First surgery: None..
023: First piercing: Nope
024. First best friend/s: I only started to have best friends when i was like in Primary 5 so yeah..Emm,i thik it was Jocelyn ah,i think..Or was it Agnes? Wei Xin?Be cai..Sorry
025. First award: My one and only award.. =( My progressive prize in Primary 5
026. First memory: Hmm..
027. First pet: Only had one pet (species of pet i mean)-a dog..Then got the generation punya babies lo..Then all died few years back.. sad
028. First vacation: New Zealand..I think..
029. First concert: At the Kenyalang Theatre. I was a grandson to an "old man"..I had along side with me,Shahiran and somemore people la..I forgot who else already
030. First crush: Primary 2..haha..Or was it Primary 3??Hmm..

031. Last time you went out: Few hours ago
032. Last time you had a good time: Last year..=.=
033. Last time you cried: Few days back..(Ok,i what?? =P)
034. Last award: (refer to question 025)
035. Last trip abroad: AUSTRALIA!!!!-SYDNEY,ORANGE and MOLONG
036. Last concert: That would be the first Musical Evening.. =.=
037. Last album you bought: HSM 3,i think
038. Last song you played: Have You Ever by Brandy(It's last time song)
039. Last phone call: Choi!Emm,yesterday at Spring
040. Last laugh: Few days ago??

041. Summer or winter: Winter..Coz my hand absorbs coldness and not heat..So my hand will be like an ice
042. Rainy or sunny: Sunny??It actually depend on certain situations..hehe
043. Britney or Christina: Christina..She has a more powerful voice..
044. TV or YouTube: TV..It's just a button away..
045. Oprah or Tyra: TYRA!!Coz i'm a fan of ANTM.. =P
046. McD’s or KFC: KFC!
047. Soccer or tennis: TENNIS!
048. New York or San Francisco: I would choose new York coz it's like the biggest fashion central..

049. Eating: Ate hours ago..
050. Drinking : Same as no.049
051. Wearing: Pyjamas..Didn't go out ma
052. Im about to: Wait for the rain to stop POURING!!!
053. Listening to: Nothing except rain drops on the roof

054. Food: Nothing spicy..or i'll blow fire..
055. Drinks: Anything
056. Colors: Blue,yellow,red,green and purple(so like the school's house colours..)
057. Numbers: 2,3,4 and 8..(2 coz the book say it's my lucky number..3 and 4 coz in chinese it mean "3344"-forever and ever and 8 coz it's a good number every year..)

058. Want kids: Depends on what kind of kids..Naughty or nice??
059. Want to get married: See first
060. Life: Whatever i can make it into la..Coz the choice is in my hands ma..Though God is like putting challenges here and there la..So have to see what path i choose also lo
061. Goals: To become a successful person in the world..Successful yet famous..
062. Where will you live: Kuching or Aussie or new Zealand..Not rich to go all the way to London and places like that..
063. Buy a house: I would but if friends come and stay la..I can't stand being alone
064. Buy a car: YES!!Not too expensive and also eco-friendly(sound so holy..haiz)

066. Love your mom?: Ya
067. Love your dad?: Ya
68. Are they still together?: Ya

068. Lips or eyes: Lips..Angelina Jolie lips..haha
069. Hugs or kisses: Hugs..Coz if kiss,might spread diseases and stuff la
070. Shorter or Taller: Taller
071. Lean or plump: Lean..
072. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic..coz if spontaneous,you'll don't know what would happen next so that's sad..
073. Nice stomach or nice arms: Stomach..
074. Sensitive or loud: Loud
075. Hook-ups or relationships: Relationships,of course..Who would want a one night stand??Haiyo

076. Bungee-jumped: Nope.
077. Shook hands with someone important: Yeah..The CM when my dad was the Deputy Director of Land and Survey but now no more la..hehe
078. Kissed a stranger: No..But i want la..jkjk
079. Drank bubbles: Nope
080. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope
081. Ran away from home: Wanted to,a million times but nah
082. Liked someone younger: Yes..*cough cough*
083. Older: Obviously
084. Broken someone’s heart: As in using criticism,then yes..In stuff like not wanting to be your friend then no
085. Been arrested: Nope
086. Turned someone down: No..
087. Cried when someone died: No..
088. Liked a friend: Duh..

089. Yourself: Yes,very confident but sometimes too overly la..Till i become cocky and arrogant a bit la..So sorry..
090. Miracles: No..(FULL STOP)
091. Love at first sight: NO!!(FULL STOP)
092. Heaven: Duh..
093. Santa Claus: Used to but now,nah..
094. Sex on the first date: NO!!You siau ah??
095. The more you hate, The more you love: Yes..
096. Angels: Yeah..

097. Is there one person you want to be with you right now?: Yeah
098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at a time?: NO..Never even had one..haha
099. Do you believe in God?: Yes
100. Will you tag 10 people to continue this game: Will do

I tag:
1)DAWNYYYY!!(Sorry,i don't why i put your name like that but oh well)
6)Wei Xin
7)TIK!!Coz you are so a bookworm now..!!TAKE A BREAK!!
8)Shia Bien(Did i spell it right??)
10)EVERYONE who reads this..

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